Two Myanmar mountaineers, Ko Pyae Phyo Aung and Ko Win Ko Ko had scaled the Camp-3, 7,162m high of the Mt. Everest successfully, today on May 17th. To reach the Camp-3, the two climbers had to bear the gale force wind of 50 km per hour, scaling the ice-cupped steep mountain.
One of the Myanmar mountaineers, Ko Pyae Phyo Aung got the Camp-3 at 11.30 am and Ko Win Ko Ko reached the camp successfully about 1.00 pm. To conquer the Mt. Everest, highest of the world, the Myanmar mountaineers were set to scale from the side of Lhotse, fourth highest mountain of the planet. The Lhotse means Southern Peak in the Tibet language.
Therefore, the Myanmar mountaineers will bring 8 bottles of oxygen along with them, when they make attempt together with the group of Sherpa to reach the next camp.
We can say that the triumph for the Myanmar youth mountaineers is imminent or close at hand.
After they reached the Camp-4, Ko Win Ko Ko and Ko Pyae Phyoe Aung are set to make attempt of summit push on the morning of May 19th to be Myanmar’s first mountaineers who conquered Mount Everest.
U Tay Za, who is not only the patron of Myanmar hiking and mountaineering federation but also the patron of HTOO Foundation, will warmly welcome the trio, three Myanmar youth mountaineers who were sacrificing their lives to dignify the mother land.
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