On May 5, 2015, the HTOO Foundation had celebrated 7th anniversary. Our foundation conducted charities work, regional development, to sustain natural environment, to uplift health, education sectors and to preserve culture since May 5, 2008.
During these 7 years, the HTOO Foundation had made remarkable charities work, such as medical trip, providing eye treatment, establishing free of charge clinic in remote area for health sector. Not only for the health sector, but also for education sector, the foundation made restoration of school, supporting salaries for the teachers from monastery education school, donating at Teacher Training School, establishing free of charge boarder in remote area, supporting necessary materials for monastery education school, providing scholarships. Moreover, the HTOO Foundation made contribution and supported necessary supporting stuffs in the natural disastrous area. And the Foundation rebuilt schools and made renovation stupas in those regions.
The HTOO Foundation made resolution to conduct further humanitarian supports for necessary sectors and area of the Myanmar till coming decades.
The main contributors of HTOO Foundation, which were providing necessary supports for every activities of the foundation, during these 7 years, are Htoo Trading Co., Ltd. , Air Bagan Ltd. , AGD Bank Ltd. , Asian Wings Airways , Hotel Business Unit , Kandawgyi Palace Hotel , Htoo Construction Development Group Co., Ltd. , Htoo Wood-Based Industry(Wahtayar) , Apex Petroleum Co., Ltd. We would like to say profoundly thanks to above main contributors and all others supporters, as the foundation celebrated 7th anniversary.
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