The tropical cyclone, Nargis, which was the most disastrous tragedy in the history of Myanmar, stormed last 7 years ago, so to say exactly, if it is counted from today, May 2, 2015. And this tragedy is one of the causes, which made the HTOO Foundation to be established. The Nargis cyclone, which stormed on May 2, 2008, took so many lives of Myanmar people and many others were homeless by this misfortune.
The HTOO Foundation believes that the people, who passed away during the Nargis cyclone, are now in good abode. And the HTOO Foundation would like to express profound mourning for the people, who passed away during the cyclone and lost their households.
The HTOO Group Of Companies used over eight million dollars to conduct rescue tasks and restoration in the Bogalay townships.
Meanwhile the rescue tasks were being performed; chairman and four vice-chairmen of the HTOO Group Of Companies established the HTOO Foundation by capitalized 5000 lakh kyats, on May 5, 2008. The objectives of HTOO Foundation are to support education, health, culture, regional development, to sustain natural environment and to conduct emergency rescue procedure during natural disaster, in the Myanmar.
The Myanmar people lost their lives and households because of the natural disaster, Nargis cyclone. Today, the HTOO Foundation would like to say good wishes for our people; “in future, may Myanmar people be safe and happy.”
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