AGD Bank, First National Insurance and One Championship, all together led by HTOO Foundation went to a Monastic School, namely Myin Thar Myo Oo Monastic Education School and Child Development Centre which is located at 14/2 quarter, North Okkalapa township yangon, for donation.
The HTOO Foundation and all contributing groups arrived at the monastery about 10am this morning and the venerable monk gave sermon them. After that, the monk gave the honor of documentation for their contribution. The donation cost for one day is 10 lakh kyat and cash money donation is 2.5 lakh kyat.
After finishing lunch, the staffs from the staffs from the foundation, AGD Bank, FNI and Aung La N Sang were taking some photograph with the children so happily. There are 900 students at the school. That school is recognized by the department of social welfare as third grade.
The HTOO Foundation would like to express our profound happiness as we got chance to help the new generation, who will be good citizens in future and we also would like to share our meritorious deed to the public for saying well done.

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