A group of itinerant dentists and medical related persons which is consists of well experienced doctors from the Myanmar Dental Council and the staffs from the HTOO Foundation will provide free of charges medical treatments for the dental patients from May 21st to 23rd, at the Pann Qwe monastery of Pann Qwe village, in the Taunggyi townships.
The itinerant medical group will provide dental treatments to all coming patients from 8am to 5pm, at the Pann Qwe monastery. This program is charity of HTOO Foundation, so, we would like to declare that the patients are to get absolutely gratis medical treatments.
The gratis medical team, which is led by the well experienced doctors from the Myanmar Dental Council, will provides several kinds of dental treatments and they will also offer the operation for the children, who are suffering cleft palate problems.
This medical treatments program will be conducted under the guidance of HTOO Foundation’s patron, U Tay Za. And the doctors from the Myanmar Dental Council also cooperated in this program. This program is intended for the patients, who live in remote area of Myanmar.
Besides this medical program, the HTOO Foundation is conducting the developmental tasks of education, social, health care and regional development in the remote area of country. Also in future, the foundation will continue the charities tasks, under the guidance of our patron U Tay Za.
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