While the 2016 matriculation exam results were released, the HTOO Free Boarding School got high pass rate, 73.04 percent and totally, eighty four students passed the exam. Moreover, two students from the free boarding school passed the exam with three distinctions, the next two also got two distinctions and there were 38 students, who passed with one distinction.
According to the Ministry of Education, 29.9 per cent passing the Grade-10 exam this year for the whole Myanmar and the pass rate of Kachin State is 29.75 percent.
The pass rate of HTOO Free Boarding School, which was established by the foundation’s patron, U Tay Za intended to develop the education sector of Myanmar tribe youth students, who live in the remote area of country, is 73.04 percent. Additionally, among the 53 students who got distinction in the Putao district, 42 students are from the HTOO Free Boarding School.
The pass rate of HTOO Free Boarding School in 2014-2015 year was 83.72 percent, 45.78 percent in 2012-2013 and 33.33 percent in 2013-2014 respectively.
The achievement of free boarding is pure volition of educational persons from that school. And the HTOO Foundation would like to say that our profound thanks belong to all teachers and the local youth, who are assisting the school.
The students from downtown area of Putao townships find it comfortable to attend the school but the students from remote area find it hard to get the school. So, the HTOO Foundation started the project of free boarding school since 2009.
It is a region where the regular transportation is nearly impossible to setup the project cost effectively. So the Air Bagan helped for the transportation of construction materials. After that, the boarding school started to accept the matriculation students for learning in 2012-2013.
For the students, who live at the boarding school, are being provided meals and also computer lab were arranged for them to be familiar with modern technology.
The HTOO Foundation is so happy profoundly as we got the chance to participate as much as possible in the developing task for educational sector in remote area of the country.
Furthermore, the foundation would like to express that our thanks belong to the Patron U Tay Za, who is supporting with great efforts to the activities of HTOO Foundation, on behalf of local students.
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