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3.8.2015-1 3.8.2015-2 3.8.2015-3
Under the guidance of HTOO Foundation’s patron U Tay Za, the HTOO Foundation and AGD bank’s families had arrived at the relief camp, which was temporarily established at the HTOO agriculture farm, in the Pwint Phyu townships, in the Magwe State, on August 2. They contributed rice, medications, garment, slippers, drinking water and the foods, in cash over 45 lakh kyats, for the flood victims. There are 357 households, over 2,000 people in the HTOO agriculture farm’s relief camp.
Moreover, the group, which was led by the DY.MD U Wai Lin Oo from AGD bank and the staffs of HTOO Foundation, had arrived at the relief camp, which was temporarily made in the compound of Pha Yar Gyi Kyunt Taw Yar, in Magwe State, on August 3. They donated 80 rice bags, 3,000 bottles of one liter drinking water, dried noodle packages, medications and the foods for the people, who are suffering the Flood. At that relief camp, about 10,000 people from 21 villages are arrived as the flood victims.

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