One of the objectives of HTOO Foundation is to help the people, when the natural disasters occurred, so, the foundation will provide necessary supports for the flood victims, by the consent and instruction of government and Tat Ma Taw. In doing so, the HTOO Foundation will cooperate with the international organization.
The group, which is led by the patron of HTOO Foundation U Tay Za arrived the Bagan, since yesterday and they are now at Ka Lay townships, where people are suffering the flood, to provide necessary rescue tasks. Moreover, to conduct rescue tasks, the HTOO Foundation had the helicopter sent to the Harkha, where we realized that the people are extremely suffering the natural disaster.
When the Flood disaster was over, the HTOO Foundation will provide health care, delivering seeds for rehabilitation of farms and every necessary thing such as practically harrowing in the field, where growing corps is favorable.
The HTOO Foundation would like to invite the donors from international, who want to help for the flood victims. The international donors can make contact the headquarter of HTOO Foundation, Ma Yan Gone township, Min Dhama street, Min Dhama condo, ground floor, phone – ( 01-655282,01-655272, Fax – 01-655292) for further information.
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