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2.6.2015-1 2.6.2015-2 2.6.2015-3
Under the guidance of patron U Tay Za, medic group of the HTOO Foundation departed Yangon on the morning of May 24, and they had reached the Sitwe townships, on the early morning of May 25.During this medical trip, Professor Dr. Paing Soe and well experienced medical related persons led the group and contributed gratis medical treatments for dental patients.
The medical related group provided necessary cure and treatments for local dental patients, since they got the U Uttama Hall, Sittwe townships, on May 25. They contributed this free of charge medical treatment three days consecutively.
Within three days, all 905 dental patients were cured successfully and 20 of them were provided dentures.
On the early morning of May 28, the staffs of HTOO Foundation and medical related patrons left the Sittwe townships, as they had planned to go the Emm townships. The HTOO Foundation is contributing as much as possible, where the people really need, aiming for the development of health sector.
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