On coming July 18, 2016, the patron of HTOO Foundation, U Tay Za will be 52 years old and in commemoration of his birth, the staffs of Htoo Group of Companies and HTOO Zoo and Gardens’ Business Unit planted the teaks on the morning of July 16, 2016.
The five hundred and twenty teaks were cultivated in the precinct of Forestry department in the Hlawga National Park. The staffs of Htoo Group of Companies and HTOO Zoo and Gardens’ Business Unit and some responsible persons from the forestry department attended this ceremony.
Therefore, the teak were planted according to the standard of Forestry department and the durability and long term supports for preserving the forest of this plantation are out of question.
The HTOO Foundation is very happy as we can celebrate this plantation, which can be support to some extent for the preserving the natural environment, on the birthday of patron U Tay Za. And our thanks also belong to the staffs of HTOO Group of Companies and HTOO Zoo and Gardens’ business unit, who energetically participated in this plantation.

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