U Paw Myint Oo, CEO of the HTOO Foundation, addressed audience who are interested in biodiversity, at the beginning of the event.
“The HTOO Foundation is to support progressiveness of the education sector, health sector, social and economic sector, protecting environment affairs and biodiversity conservation throughout Myanmar” said U Paw Myint Oo.
Additionally, U Paw Myint Oo added that Doctor John Sale will discuss important role of biodiversity and endangered species, sharing his international experience, which should be well noted and worth to discuss and finally, the Foundation is very proud of being sponsor for such kind of event, which is so effective for the biodiversity conservation.
During this seminar, it was Doctor John Sale, who discussed most of the event’s topics, sharing his international experience, from the Landon University and specialized in knowledge of ecology and conservation management plan.
In the first part of the seminar, Doctor John Sale introduced and discussed the specific definition of the biodiversity, value of the biodiversity and about threats of habitats loss.
Biodiversity is the degree of variation of life and it is a measure of the variety of organisms present in different ecosystems. Doctor John Sale said that it plays a part in regulating the chemistry of our atmosphere and carbon dioxide absorption and emission process.
And there is also non-consumption value, such as devouring natural beauty. Annually, the value of estimated biodiversity is up to $ 40 trillion.
Furthermore, Doctor John Sale said that biodiversity is useful for medical research and recently, scientists have discovered the naked mole rat's unique mechanism to staying cancer free.
Myanmar is included in the Indo-Burma Hotspot four countries where biodiversity is unusually so abundant. These four countries are Myanmar, Lao, Thailand and Cambodia.
Doctor John Sale also discussed that there is a good potential of sustainable economic growth in coastal area of the Myanmar. But it is fishing business, which uses very explosive dynamite, makes serious damages to coral reef. And Doctor John Sale pinpointed that it is also Mangrove forest, which supports biodiversity, called for emergency conservation plan.
Estimated 3.5 trillion people, especially from underdeveloped countries, relied on the food, which were manufactured from the oceans. Fish production will be increased 80 % in underdeveloped countries, focused by the academics, in 2015.
During the seminar, Doctor John Sale expressed his gratitude to the HTOO company, for providing necessary ship to survey team, which was consist a number of Myanmar and British academic, who surveyed Myeik archipelagos, in 2007.
At this seminar, 252 species of the Mammal and 1114 species of the bird were systematically confirmed by the attended academics. Finally, CEO of the HTOO Foundation, U Paw Myint Oo addressed concluding speech to audience, who actively participated in the event.
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