ဒီေန႔ Channel News Asia သတင္းမွာ ၾကည့္လိုက္ရတယ္။
အင္ဒိုနီရွားမွာ ရိုဟင္ဂ်ာ(ဘင္ဂါလီ)အေရး သံရံုးေရွ႕ဆႏၵျပရံုတင္အားမရေတာ့ ပဲ
ေနာက္ထပ္ျပီး ဂ်ာကာတာမွာရိွတဲ့ "Buddhist community"ေတြကိုပါ
အေသခံဗံုးခြဲမလို႔ ၾကံစည္ျပန္သတဲ့။ ( အဲ့ေလာက္ ခ်စ္ေနၾကရင္လဲ
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ခံမလဲ။ ျမန္မာ့ေျမေပၚမွာ ဒီလိုအစြန္းေရာက္သမားေတြရဲ့ အၾကမ္းဖတ္မႈေတြ
ေပၚေပါက္မလာေအာင္ တာ၀န္ရိွသူေတြေရာ တာ၀န္သိသူေတြပါ
http:// www.channelnewsasia.com/ stories/afp_asiapacific/view/ 1225150/1/.html
Indonesian in bomb plot over Rohingya treatment
JAKARTA - An Indonesian terror suspect has surrendered himself and
confessed to a suicide bomb plot against Buddhists in Jakarta to protest
against Myanmar's treatment of Muslim Rohingya, police said Monday.
A man who identified as Muhammad Toriq turned himself in on Sunday,
national police spokesman Boy Rafli Amar said. The suspected militant
fled his house in a Jakarta suburb last week after neighbours reported
seeing smoke rising from it.
Police had launched a manhunt for
him after discovering detonators, boxes of nails, sulphur and other
explosive materials at his home.
"We confirm Toriq has turned
himself in," Amar told reporters. "Based on preliminary investigations,
he planned to carry out suicide bombings today (Monday)," he said.
It was unclear why he decided to surrender.
Toriq's potential targets were the elite Brimob police headquarters,
the office of the Detachment 88 anti-terror police, a police station and
"Buddhist community", all in Jakarta, Amar said.
"It's related
to the Rohingya issue in Myanmar. (He) believed it's unfair to Muslims
there," he added, explaining why Toriq was targeting the Buddhist
Communal violence between ethnic Buddhist Rakhine
and local Muslims, including the Rohingya, swept Myanmar's Rakhine state
in June, leaving dozens dead and tens of thousands homeless.
Around 800,000 Rohingyas live in Myanmar and are considered to be some of the world's most persecuted minorities.
Hundreds of Indonesian Muslim hardliners have expressed anger over the unrest, protesting outside Myanmar's embassy in July.
Toriq wrote a farewell letter to his family, seeking forgiveness and
"hoping to enter Heaven and receive God's blessings", Amar said.
development came a day after an explosion at a house suspected of being
a bomb workshop in Depok, near Jakarta, left three people injured.
Earlier this month, a shootout in Solo in central Java left two terrorist suspects and an anti-terror officer dead.
Indonesia, the biggest Muslim country by its population, has waged a
crackdown on militant groups over the past decade with anti-terror
police claiming the deaths of some of the country's most notorious
terrorist suspects in bloody raids.
- AFP/ir
Zay Latt
ဒီေန႔ Channel News Asia သတင္းမွာ ၾကည့္လိုက္ရတယ္။
အင္ဒိုနီရွားမွာ ရိုဟင္ဂ်ာ(ဘင္ဂါလီ)အေရး သံရံုးေရွ႕ဆႏၵျပရံုတင္အားမရေတာ့
ခံမလဲ။ ျမန္မာ့ေျမေပၚမွာ ဒီလိုအစြန္းေရာက္သမားေတြရဲ့ အၾကမ္းဖတ္မႈေတြ
ေပၚေပါက္မလာေအာင္ တာ၀န္ရိွသူေတြေရာ တာ၀န္သိသူေတြပါ
http:// www.channelnewsasia.com/ stories/afp_asiapacific/view/ 1225150/1/.html
Indonesian in bomb plot over Rohingya treatment
JAKARTA - An Indonesian terror suspect has surrendered himself and confessed to a suicide bomb plot against Buddhists in Jakarta to protest against Myanmar's treatment of Muslim Rohingya, police said Monday.
A man who identified as Muhammad Toriq turned himself in on Sunday, national police spokesman Boy Rafli Amar said. The suspected militant fled his house in a Jakarta suburb last week after neighbours reported seeing smoke rising from it.
Police had launched a manhunt for him after discovering detonators, boxes of nails, sulphur and other explosive materials at his home.
"We confirm Toriq has turned himself in," Amar told reporters. "Based on preliminary investigations, he planned to carry out suicide bombings today (Monday)," he said.
It was unclear why he decided to surrender.
Toriq's potential targets were the elite Brimob police headquarters, the office of the Detachment 88 anti-terror police, a police station and "Buddhist community", all in Jakarta, Amar said.
"It's related to the Rohingya issue in Myanmar. (He) believed it's unfair to Muslims there," he added, explaining why Toriq was targeting the Buddhist community.
Communal violence between ethnic Buddhist Rakhine and local Muslims, including the Rohingya, swept Myanmar's Rakhine state in June, leaving dozens dead and tens of thousands homeless.
Around 800,000 Rohingyas live in Myanmar and are considered to be some of the world's most persecuted minorities.
Hundreds of Indonesian Muslim hardliners have expressed anger over the unrest, protesting outside Myanmar's embassy in July.
Toriq wrote a farewell letter to his family, seeking forgiveness and "hoping to enter Heaven and receive God's blessings", Amar said.
The development came a day after an explosion at a house suspected of being a bomb workshop in Depok, near Jakarta, left three people injured.
Earlier this month, a shootout in Solo in central Java left two terrorist suspects and an anti-terror officer dead.
Indonesia, the biggest Muslim country by its population, has waged a crackdown on militant groups over the past decade with anti-terror police claiming the deaths of some of the country's most notorious terrorist suspects in bloody raids.
- AFP/ir
Indonesian in bomb plot over Rohingya treatment
JAKARTA - An Indonesian terror suspect has surrendered himself and confessed to a suicide bomb plot against Buddhists in Jakarta to protest against Myanmar's treatment of Muslim Rohingya, police said Monday.
A man who identified as Muhammad Toriq turned himself in on Sunday, national police spokesman Boy Rafli Amar said. The suspected militant fled his house in a Jakarta suburb last week after neighbours reported seeing smoke rising from it.
Police had launched a manhunt for him after discovering detonators, boxes of nails, sulphur and other explosive materials at his home.
"We confirm Toriq has turned himself in," Amar told reporters. "Based on preliminary investigations, he planned to carry out suicide bombings today (Monday)," he said.
It was unclear why he decided to surrender.
Toriq's potential targets were the elite Brimob police headquarters, the office of the Detachment 88 anti-terror police, a police station and "Buddhist community", all in Jakarta, Amar said.
"It's related to the Rohingya issue in Myanmar. (He) believed it's unfair to Muslims there," he added, explaining why Toriq was targeting the Buddhist community.
Communal violence between ethnic Buddhist Rakhine and local Muslims, including the Rohingya, swept Myanmar's Rakhine state in June, leaving dozens dead and tens of thousands homeless.
Around 800,000 Rohingyas live in Myanmar and are considered to be some of the world's most persecuted minorities.
Hundreds of Indonesian Muslim hardliners have expressed anger over the unrest, protesting outside Myanmar's embassy in July.
Toriq wrote a farewell letter to his family, seeking forgiveness and "hoping to enter Heaven and receive God's blessings", Amar said.
The development came a day after an explosion at a house suspected of being a bomb workshop in Depok, near Jakarta, left three people injured.
Earlier this month, a shootout in Solo in central Java left two terrorist suspects and an anti-terror officer dead.
Indonesia, the biggest Muslim country by its population, has waged a crackdown on militant groups over the past decade with anti-terror police claiming the deaths of some of the country's most notorious terrorist suspects in bloody raids.
- AFP/ir
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