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Konami launches PES 2017: New Features and Release Date
Konami has official announced the release of PES 2017 and has claimed that their game is far better than EA’s FIFA 17. In a recent press release, the director of Konami announced the game for all the major game consoles. The director said that their game will reach new heights and has realism in the game than ever before.
It was revealed to us that Pro Evolution Soccer will be released in 20th September, 2016. The demo of the game is expected to be released sooner as a closed beta.
The major focus this year seems to be the multiplayer mode rather than the famous Career Mode or Champions League feature.
Konami claims that they are bringing the famous slow and smooth gameplay after trying out the faster gameplay in PES 2016. They have also enlisted a ton of new features in their website in hopes of getting an edge over FIFA 17.
The tagline of PES 2017 is CONTROL REALITY which seems the meant that the new features of the game focuses on making the game more realistic like the real life football. The sub features of PES 2017 includes Real Touch, Precise Pass, Advanced Instructions. Goal Keeping, Corner Kick Strategies, Total Team Control, Authentic Visuals, Adaptive AI and Natural Player Movement.
We will look into each of these features one by one in the following section.
Real Touch
The players in real football have different technique of controlling the ball. This features enables the different players to have their own unique way of receiving the pass. This features flows along the normal gameplay to create a smooth running scene. It has also been revealed that a ton of new animations has been added if you make an incredible control or score in one touch.
Precise Pass
Konami claims that this feature is a form of art in the game. After combining it with the real life game physics that includes speed and surface of the pitch, this features changed the game play speed and accuracy of the ball. The game will help the player make the perfect pass on various situation of the game. This will allow the gamer to make a killer trajectory and complete an awesome pass that might lead in a goal.
Goal Keeping
The one of the best thing about PES franchise is their goal keeping versatility. Konami has once again found a new way to improve their goal keepers. The developers are certain the advance goal keeping will make your goal more satisfactory.
Advanced Instructions
This is somewhat of a common thing in real play but was missing from the PES. Game strategy like tiki-tika play or the famous LVG back pass gameplay can be applied or modified in Advanced Introductions. This changes how you want to win your games.
Corner Kick Strategies
You can see that your team has different number of attackers or defenders during corner kicks in different time of the game. This features has just been added to PES 2017 as this play action also allows to create a specific move for a certain player. Eg. Ronaldo to run around the defender and jump high.
Total Team Control
Football itself is an unpredictable game and this feature enables this unpredictability tactfully. The players are allowed to control the overall game play and the game plan. If you want to change your defensive gameplay to full on attack mode, you will be able to do that with a simple push of the button.
Authentic Visuals
Konami claims to have upgraded their animations and graphics again. But, do we really want that? It already the best feature of PES many would claim. However, the developers are firm that their new Fox Engine along with all of the new visuals will make the game more real than ever.
Natural Player Movement
We think that this falls under Real Touch but they have placed it in a different category. We think that they are focusing on making the running with the ball more natural rather than being forced on by a joystick.
Adaptive AI
This might just be the best feature in PES 2017 so we will talk a bit more about this feature. For the very first time in football video game history, the computer will analyze how you will play and prepare their gameplay according to that. FIFA claims that they had this in their games for years but there is very little of this we can see in FIFA games so far. PES have featured this as one the most important feature of their game so it seems believable.
The trademark game are hoping to put this AI feature well so that they edge out the EA competition. Adaptive AI would make the game more dramatic as the computer will be looking after our very move and create their new to combat that. It might frustrate the gamers if the AI cancels their every more so Konami has to place it very tactfully.
The ‘adaptive’ feature is video game industry’s most selling feature since the early days. It would be interesting to see if it helps to sell more PES units.
Which PES 2017 Feature fascinates you the most? Will PES beat FIFA this Year?
Pro Evolution Soccer 2017 Announced
This time around there appears to be a difference. Last year's game was a faster, almost arcade-like experience. PES 2017 touts the tagline "Control Reality", with Konami's webpage showing off features such as Precise Pass, Real Touch, Corner Kick Strategies, and Natural Player Movement. But one bullet point that caught our fancy is Adaptive AI.
"For the first time in a football game, the AI will learn how you play! Player and team behaviour has always been a staple of the PES series, and for PES 2017 Adaptive AI will change sports games forever," the website reads.
With adaptive AI being a selling point for games since the time of 1990s fighting game Rise of the Robots, it will be interesting to see how PES 2017 makes good on this feature. One of our biggest grouses with PES 2016 was its inconsistent defensive AI that made the game a tad frustrating. Hopefully this, along with the series' trademark deficiencies such as poor menus and shoddy tutorials receive a revamp as well. Although nothing on Konami's page says anything about that. Neither is it mentioned if you can expect parity between the PC and current generation consoles, which was a bone of contention for the PC gaming community the last time around.
Nonetheless, you can expect PES 2017 sometime around September, as was the case with PES 2016. Perhaps earlier than FIFA 17 - a game EA has been surprisingly silent about.
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