Burmese Buddhists have set up the 969 group in an attempt to preserve their religion i.e Buddhism and culture in the face of a multi-pronged onslaught by a aggressive OIC-financed Jihadist supremacists. The Buddhist 969 movement has been set up by Buddhist monks to oppose the Jihad against Buddhists in Burma. The jihad sometimes takes violent forms, but more often consists of infiltration, subversion, Mosque-construction and financial subsidies to Islamic businesses from petrodollar-rich OIC countries. This is causing a rapid impoverishment of the middle-class Buddhists as their businesses succumb to unfair competition from this financial jihad.
Once the jihadist cartels have forced the Buddhist-owned businesses into bankruptcy in their targeted area, they are then free to increase their prices to extract jizya from the local farmers and working class Buddhists. This financial jihad is coupled with a demographic jihad, where jihadists are infiltrating Burma from Bangladesh as illegal immigrants and then, with OIC (Organization for Islamic Conversion) funds to support their huge polygamous families, are rapidly out-breeding the indigenous population.
The 969 Group Boycott
In order to counteract the financial and commercial jihad, Buddhist monks have requested Buddhists to shop only at outlets displaying the 969 sign, which authenticates them as jihad-free businesses.
Buddhists as Harbis and Mushrikun
Jihadism divides people into two antagonistic groups - The Ummah (Muslims as as transnational identity group) versus Kaffirs (aka Kufr, Kuffars, Infidels or non-believers).
Kaffirs are subdivided further - Jews and Christians who accept the jihadist supremacy are known as Dhimmis, and are allowed to live as second-class citizens, provided they pay the extortionate Jizya (infidel tax) to their Muslim masters. The state of being a submissive Dhimmi is known as Dhimmitude.
Buddhists, Pagans and members of all other 'non-Abrahamic' religions, together with secularists, and those Jews and Christians who do not accept jihadist domination, are regarded as Harbis - targets of war.
Jihadists are in a state of permanent war with Harbis, even if the Harbis don't actually do anything to annoy jihadists. The Harbis' mere existence is itself an act of war. A Harbi has no rights, not even the right to live. The worst class of Harbi are the Mushrikun (literally 'idolators') which include Buddhists. (See Quran (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them" )
So, we Burmese Buddhists believe that it is time to wake up because their target is to dominate our country and Buddhism. There were so many Buddhists countries like Malaysia, Indonesia dominated by Islam. That's why, I wanna advise all Buddhists to understand our movement. We are not terrorists but we just want to defend our country and preserve our culture and Buddhism like American government is defending its own country from Islamic terrorism. That's all !
The 969 movement emblem with the numerals 969 in Burmese scrip like you see in this photo!
I think this is a sensible, clear account of the background to Buddhist Nationalism in Myanmar. Their problem is of Islamisation aspirations by immigrants; same as in so many other countries. The Western media usually portrays this through the Muslim victim lens instead of listening to the local native Burmese.