Dear friends,
I bring you a very sad news about our region, Eastern Nagaland, Myanmar.
On June 14th, a kid in the village called Thankholama (38 miles away from the town) under Lahe Township died with a strange disease (I don't know how to describe it but you may best see it in the pictures).
This disease kept on spreading, and after five kids have died in the same month, the village authority informed medical department in Lahe Town, the headquarter of Naga Self-Administered Zone. But no serious actions were taken to prevent this strange disease which is very contagious. Now it has spread to more than 7 villages causing more than 34 lives, mostly kids.
Only one doctor is posted in Lahe Township and he cannot reach the villages. Though informed since the beginning, the doctor could not go because he could not walk on foot for 38 miles.
No vehicle road thus far!
No sufficient doctors/health care staff and medical aids are also provided for Naga region.
Having the news weeks ago, the Council happened to ask our MP Law Yone about the situation. He replied he has informed the Sagaing Regional Govt. and they are awaiting the result of the blood samples. But why so long while people are dying so fast? Why not taking serious enough over this outbreak?
Today I talked to Dr. Myint Naing, Chief Minister of Sagaing Regional Govt and he told me he has already informed Mr. Van Thio, the Vice President of Myanmar. He assured me over phone that Naga region would be declared "emergency" as soon as possible by the Union Govt.
Why taking so long time even after informing repeatedly? Why no serious response from the concerned department?
Does GoM really care the Nagas?
Dear Naga doctors from Indian side of Nagaland, please come help to control this outbreak to save innocent kids and your brethren from this tragedy.

Athong Makury
Council of Naga Affairs
Photo via U Aung Htut
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