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We met on 3.3.2016, at 5:00pm of evening in DhammaTaharya Monastery.
The writer name is George Fahrion and he came from Germany. Now he lived in Yangon as a observer.
He is taking news from the chairman of NLD's trips and we discussed about two hours.
Especially Musilim topics.
He try to write a book about transforms situation of different layers from Myanmar’s country but not yet to decide to give a name of the book.
When I said “u should give a name like the system from the military dictator to the system of women dictator” and he laughs about it.
He is amazed about my laughing when I saw about my photos were repaired to pornography in Facebook by some people.
He asked me "Why don’t you angry?"
I’m answered that photos shows the proof of the bullet is direct hit on target and I’m happy.
He asked me about my biography, experiences in jail, Ka Lar- Burma first riot to current status about danger of Muslims conditions, meaning of the freedom and asked about kinds of leaderships.
I’m just wanted the freedom not to hurt others. Shouting, folding monks robe loudly is interruption to the person who is reading, meditating and is like dangerous freedom.
There have free style wearing but dressing like nudity is no sense of shame. That was shameful freedom.
There have lots of leader to get applaud from international but don't care about their country so whom is like prime minister of Germany and name of Merkel. Their philosophy is looks liked their richness is the first and citizen welfare is last. They get love from international relatives but their country is abase for everything. The German Prime Minister Markel's accepting 1million Muslims and will be the danger for Germany in future.
There also have lots of leaders who are care about their countries, they don’t care about the blames from the international relatives, secure the country is their first priority. Like the Prime Minister of Australia named Julia Gillard.
So Daw Aung San Su Kyi and U Thein Sein are different kind of leadership like that.

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